Saturday, October 31, 2009

"Stating the obvious…"

…is how we’ve spent much of the season so far, (Zola has lost a lot of hair in the 14 months he has been at The Hammers).

Of course the team/club is important and we get angry and frustrated, but the fact is, there are fewer things in this life less important constructively than stating the obvious - over and over.

The problem is rarely the problem. The response to the problem is usually the problem; however I do believe the answer is also in the problem. We are in the bottom three but it is trying to get out of that position without the correct effective tools to do it, THAT is the real problem.

Seems we can all slaughter Zola and the team - oh so easily after the event - and we can all be “Football Manager” or CEO or multi-million pound premiership club owners and pontificate about what is wrong & how WE could change it, but can any one of us have any idea what it must be like working for West Ham at the moment, in any capacity? Even the guys and girls that work in the ticket office are feeling it, it’s survival season all over again BEFORE the turn around, when everyone was saying Curbs should do the honourable thing & fall on his sword; the atmosphere is black. Those ITK are expecting the drop this season or at the very least a protracted dog-fight and all we do is pick holes & what does that achieve pray tell?

We have a team and manager who are not capable (that’s obvious) and no effin money to do anything about it. We, the so called fans are here week-in week-out poised waiting to do an Alan Shearer and it gets boring, same ole same ole. Bottom line is unless we get a buy-out by 11/12, the club survives and we can get some playing staff in, in January who can make a difference --------- well the alternative just ain’t worth contemplating

Shame we couldn't hold on to the 2 -1, what does Zola say to them in the dressing room at half-time that makes them not turn up second half?

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