Dec 24 – Awoke early to a lovely blanket of crystal white glistening snow covering the Olive Tree landscape. What a fantastic sight, every tree and bush covered with a beautiful white mantle. I shovelled snow for the first time in a long while and loved it. I did both our driveway and our pavement, next door's too. Later a snowplough came along and accidentally covered up our driveway with compacted snow from the street. The driver smiled and waved as he drove happily by. I waved back and shovelled it away again.
Dec 26 – It snowed an additional 5 inches last night and the temperature dropped to around minus 8 degrees. Several branches on ours trees and bushes snapped due to the weight of the snow. I shovelled our driveway again.. Shortly afterwards the snowplough came by and did his trick again.
Much of the snow is now a kind of brownish-grey icy slush.
Jan 1 – Warmed up enough during the day to create some slush which soon became ice when the temperature dropped again. Bought snow tyres for both our cars. Fell on my a*** in the driveway. £100 to a physio but nothing broken. More snow and ice expected.
Jan 5 – Still cold. Sold the wife’s car and bought her a Landrover to get her to work. She slid into a wall and did considerable damage to the right wing. Had another 8 inches of white s*** last night. Both vehicles are covered in salt and iced up slush. More shovelling in store for now. The b****** snowplough came by twice today.
Jan 9 – More f****** snow. Not a tree or bush on our property that has not been damaged. Power was off most of the night. Tried to keep from freezing to death with candles and a paraffin heater which tipped over and nearly burnt the house down. I managed to put out the flames but suffered 2nd degree burns on my hands. Lost all my eyelashes and eyebrows. (Car hit a f******* deer on the way to casualty and was written off.)
Jan 13 – F******* b****** white s*** keeps on coming down. Have to put on all the clothes we own just to get to the post box. If I ever catch that a******* that drives the f****** snowplough, I’ll chew open his chest and rip his heart out with my teeth. I think the b****** hides round the corner and waits for me to finish shovelling and then he comes down the street at 100 mph and buries the f****** driveway again.
Jan 17 – 16 more f****** inches of f****** sleet and f****** ice and God knows what other kinds of white s*** fell last night. I wounded that b****** snowplough driver with an ice axe but he got a way. F****** car won’t start. I think I’m going snow-blind. Can’t move my f****** toes. Haven’t seen the sun in weeks. More f****** snow forecast. Minus 20 degrees. F*** this. I’m moving back to Seven Kings & sunny Ilford
Sorry mate shouldn't laugh. But one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. Warming up a bit now isn't it?